If You Like My Mountains You’ll Love My Busch shirt
I don't know about you, but the first thing my friends and i do when they come over is choose our guns. We come up with a few plans in case of a home invasion, then we play parcheesi/trouble/uno/etcMy friend will loan his brothers his gun when they go camping in areas with bears. I think that's a reasonable reason to loan a gun to someone. That being said I think some ownous of responsibility should be on the 'loaner' of the gun, you shouldn't just give that shit out to anyone. Uh, no. If they weren't legally able to obtain a gun themselves you could be charged for providing them one but if they kill someone illegally you won't both be charged for the criminal act.
BUY THIS SHIRT : If You Like My Mountains You’ll Love My Busch shirt
SOURCE: Family shirt